Lib = new LibClass(); } //builds hyperlink (you can pass $data and $link as two strings, or as two arrays. //if you pass as arrays, elements with same index correspond to $data - $link pair) function lnk($data, $link){ if (is_array($data)){ for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++){ if ($link[$i]) { $hprlnk[] = ''.$data[$i].''; }else{ $hprlnk[] = $data[$i]; } } }else{ if ($link){ $hprlnk = ''.$data.''; }else{ $hprlnk = ''.$data.''; #$hprlnk = $data; } } return $hprlnk; } ############################################################################################ function subtitle($title){ //var_dump($title);exit; $content = '


'; return $content; } ############################################################################################ function anchor($title){ $content = ''."\n"; return $content; } ############################################################################################ function box_in($html){ $content = '
'; $content .= $html; $content .= "
\n"; return $content; } ############################################################################################ //create list//$each element in data is row//you can send valid html list tags. however, you can just specify with breaks function lst($data,$listtype){ if ($listtype != "br"){ $list = '<'.$listtype.">\n"; if(!empty($data)){ foreach ($data as $element){ $list .= "
  • ".$element."
  • \n"; } } $list .= '\n"; }else { @$list = implode("
    ",$data); } return $list; } ############################################################################################ //create a thumbnail with specified width and links function thmb($img, $subdir,$h, $w){ $file = $_SESSION[config][serv_media_img].$subdir."/".$img; if (isset($img) && file_exists($file)){ $thumbFile = $_SESSION[config][media_loc]."images/".$subdir."/".$img; }else{ $thumbFile = $_SESSION[config][noimage]; } $thumb .= ''; return $thumb; } ############################################################################################ function thmb_small($img, $subdir,$h, $w){ $file = $_SESSION[config][serv_media_img].$subdir."/".$img; if (isset($img) && file_exists($file)){ $thumbFile = $_SESSION[config][media_loc]."images/".$subdir."/".$img; }else{ $thumbFile = $_SESSION[config][noimage]; } $thumb = ''; #$thumb = ''; $thumb .= ''; $thumb .= ''; #$thumb .= ''; $thumb .= ''; return $thumb; } ############################################################################################ //create table (send columns-array (each array is column), each element of column is rowelement) length of each column should be the same) //width array specifies widths function tbl($columns,$widths){ $content .= ''; for($i=0;$i'.$columns[$j][$i].""; } $content .="\n"; } $content .= "
    "; return $content; } ############################################################################################ // Format a publication citation function cttn( $id, $type, $authorsRaw, $editorsRaw, $date, $titleRaw, $publicationVenue, $venueVolume, $venueNumber, $venuePages, $publisher, $venueChapter, $fileNameURL) { // Authors $authorsRaw = $this->removePeriodAfterFinalName($authorsRaw); $authors = $this->authorseditors($this->splitlink($authorsRaw)); // Editors $editorsRaw = $this->removePeriodAfterFinalName($editorsRaw); // Remove any existing commas after each name in $editorsRaw for consistency with $authors. $editorsRaw = str_replace(",###", "###", $editorsRaw); $editors = $this->authorseditors($this->splitlink($editorsRaw)); // Editors with "ed" marker if ($editorsRaw) { if (strpos($editors, " and ") === FALSE) { $edMarker = ", ed"; } else { $edMarker = ", eds"; } } $editorsWithMarker = $editors . $edMarker; // Title $title = $this->formatTitle($titleRaw, $fileNameURL); // Venue and associated numbers $venueNumbers = $this->formatVenueNumbers($venueVolume, $venueNumber, $venuePages); $venueAndNumbers = join(" ", array_filter(array( $this->italicized($publicationVenue), $venueNumbers))); // Put together citation // $citationParts = array("citation", "Parts"); switch($type) { case "Journal Articles": $citationParts = array( $authors, $date, $this->quoted($title), $venueAndNumbers); break; case "Edited Journals": $citationParts = array( $editorsWithMarker, $date, $this->quoted($title), $venueAndNumbers); break; case "Books": $citationParts = array( $authors, $date, $this->italicized($title), $publicationVenue, $publisher); break; case "Book Chapters": $italicizedPublicationVenue = $this->italicized($publicationVenue); $citationParts = array( $authors, $date, $this->quoted($title), $this->smartJoin(", ", array( $publicationVenue ? "In $italicizedPublicationVenue" : "", $this->nonEmpty($editors) ? "edited by $editors" : "", $venueChapter ? "Ch. $venueChapter" : "", $venuePages )), $publisher); break; case "Edited Books": $citationParts = array( $editorsWithMarker, $date, $this->italicized($title), $publicationVenue, $publisher); break; case "Ph.D. Theses": $citationParts = array( $authors, $date, $this->quoted($title), $publicationVenue, $publisher); break; default: // "Conference Proceedings", "Unrefereed", "Non-reviewed", "Video - Audio", "Technical Reports", "Patents", other $citationParts = array( $authors, $date, $this->quoted($title), $venueAndNumbers); } return $this->smartJoin(". ", $citationParts) . "." . "\n"; } function formatVenueNumbers($volume, $number, $pages) { // return "formatVenueNumbers"; $venueNumbers = ""; $venueNumbers .= $volume ? $volume : ""; $venueNumbers .= ($volume and $number) ? " " : ""; $venueNumbers .= $number ? "($number)" : ""; $venueNumbers .= (($volume or $number) and $pages) ? ": " : ""; $venueNumbers .= $pages ? $pages : ""; return $venueNumbers; } function nonEmpty($s) { // return TRUE; return trim(strip_tags($s)) !== ""; } function formatTitle($titleRaw, $fileNameURL) { // return "formatTitle"; if ($fileNameURL) { $url = parse_url($fileNameURL); $file = $_SESSION[config][serv_media].$_SESSION[config][pub_loc].$fileNameURL; if (file_exists($file)) { $link = $_SESSION[config][media_loc].$_SESSION[config][pub_loc].$fileNameURL; } elseif ($url['scheme'] == 'http') { $link = $fileNameURL; } } return $this->lnk($titleRaw, $link); } // Does "." occur before the final "###"? If so, remove it. function removePeriodAfterFinalName($authors) { // return "removePeriodAfterFinalName"; $SEP = "###"; $PERIOD = "."; $finalSepPos = strrpos($authors, $SEP); if ($finalSepPos !== FALSE and $finalSepPos >= 1 and $authors[$finalSepPos - 1] === $PERIOD) { return $this->replaceLastOccurrence($PERIOD . $SEP, $SEP, $authors); } else { return $authors; } } function endsWith($haystack, $needle) { // return FALSE; $length = strlen($needle); $start = $length * -1; return (substr($haystack, $start) === $needle); } function replaceLastOccurrence($search, $replace, $subject) { // return "replaceLastOccurrence"; $pos = strrpos($subject, $search); if($pos === FALSE) { return $subject; } else { return substr_replace($subject, $replace, $pos, strlen($search)); } } function smartJoin($glue, $pieces) { $glueTrimmed = trim($glue); // $piecesFixed = $pieces; $piecesFixed = array(); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($this->endsWith($piece, $glueTrimmed)) { $piecesFixed[] = $this->replaceLastOccurrence($glueTrimmed, "", $piece); } else { $piecesFixed[] = $piece; } } return join($glue, array_filter($piecesFixed, create_function('$s', 'return trim(strip_tags($s)) !== "";'))); //, "nonEmpty")); } function quoted($s) { // return "quoted"; return $s ? "\"$s\"" : ""; } function italicized($s) { // return "italicized"; return $s ? "$s" : ""; } ############################################################################################ // Format an array of authors or editors as a comma-separated string. function authorseditors($people) { if (count($people) > 1) { $finalIndex = count($people) - 1; $people[$finalIndex] = 'and ' . $people[$finalIndex]; } return join(", ", $people); // for ($i = 0; $i < count($ae); $i++){ // if ($i && $i != (count($ae) - 1)) { // $string .= ", "; // } // if (($i == (count($ae) - 1)) && $i != 0) { // $string .= " & "; // } // $string .= $ae[$i]; // } // return $string; } ############################################################################################ //split by @@@, then split by ### and link together;(could actually by in library class, ... maybe..) function splitlink($itemslinks){ $items = explode("@@@",$itemslinks); foreach ($items as $item){ list($thing, $link) = explode("###", $item); $things[] = $this->lnk(trim($thing), $link); } return $things; } ############################################################################################ //same as above, but for research projects function splitlinkresearch($itemslinks){ $items = explode("@@@",$itemslinks); foreach ($items as $item){ list($thing, $link) = explode("###", $item); $things[] = $this->lnk($thing, "../research/#" .$link); } return $things; } ############################################################################################ //formats a grant function fmtFundingGrant($grant){ $row = "".$grant["grantTitle"].". " . $grant["grantName"] ." "; $row .= "(".$this->authorseditors($this->splitlink($grant['copisGrants'])).", "; #print "=".$grant["amount"]."
    "; #remove blanks $amount = preg_replace('/^\s+|\s+$|,/','',$grant["amount"]); $amount = number_format($amount); # $format = "%s%s"; # $amount = sprintf($format,'$ ',htmlspecialchars($amount)); if (!empty($grant["amount"])) { $row .= "^".$amount .") "; } $row .= $grant["startDate"] ." - " . $grant["endDate"]."."; $row = preg_replace('/(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})/','\1.\2.\3',$row); // if (!empty($grant['researchGrants'])) // $row .= " Research(es): ". $this->authorseditors($this->splitlinkresearch($grant['researchGrants'])); return $row; } ############################################################################################ //formats a presentation function ppt($pres){ $t = "".$pres['presentationtitle'].""; $ai = $pres['additionalInfo']; $d = $pres['exactdate']; $e = $pres['eventstitle']; $eu = $pres['eventurl']; $p = $this->authorseditors($this->splitlink($pres['presenters'])); $c = $pres['city']; if ($pres['StateProvince'] && !($pres['Country'])) { $s = ", ". $pres['StateProvince']; } elseif($pres['Country']) { $s = ", ". $pres['Country']; } $f = $pres['fileNameURL']; $mt = $pres['mediatype']; //format date $sd = $this->splitPostgresDate($d); $d = $this->toDayMonth($sd[d],$sd[m]); //create link if ($f) { switch ($mt) { case '10': //local path $file = $_SESSION[config][serv_media].$_SESSION[config][pres_loc].$f; if (file_exists($file)) { $link = $_SESSION[config][media_loc].$_SESSION[config][pres_loc].$f; } break; case '01'://full URL //check if url exists #if ($this->Lib->url_exists($f)) { $link = $f; #} break; } } $t = $this->lnk($t,$link); if (preg_match('/@@@/',$pres['presenters']) && isset($pres['presenters'])){ $pres = " present "; }elseif(isset($pres['presenters'])){ $pres = " presents "; }else{ $pres = ""; } //format presentation $row = $d .": ".$p . $pres . $t; if ($ai) $row .= ", " . $ai ; if ($e) $row .= " at " ; if ($eu){ $ev = $this->lnk($e,$eu); }else{ $ev = $e; } $row .= $ev; if ($c) $row .= ", ". $c . $s; $row .= "."; return $row; } ############################################################################################ function dateToSemester($date){ list($day,$month,$year) = $date; if ($month >= 1 && $month <= 5){ $semester = "Spring"; }elseif($month >= 6 && $month <= 7){ $semester = "Summer"; }elseif($month >= 8 && $month <= 12 ){ $semester = "Fall"; } $semester .= " ".$year; return $semester; } ############################################################################################ function splitPostgresDate($timestamp){ list( $date['y'], $date['m'], $date['d'])= explode("-",$timestamp); return $date; } ############################################################################################ function toDayMonth($day,$month){ $months['01'] = 'Jan'; $months['02'] = 'Feb'; $months['03'] = 'Mar'; $months['04'] = 'Apr'; $months['05'] = 'May'; $months['06'] = 'Jun'; $months['07']= 'Jul'; $months['08'] = 'Aug'; $months['09'] = 'Sep'; $months['10'] = 'Oct'; $months['11'] = 'Nov'; $months['12'] = 'Dec'; $date = "".$months[$month]." " .$day.""; return $date; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } ?>